People’s creative skills and labour are protected by copyright. Forms or ways in which ideas or information are expressed are protected by copyright. Copyright isn’t tangible.

Basically, copyright is a package of exclusive economic rights to do certain things.

Copyright material can be copied, published, communicated (for example, broadcast, made available online) and performed publicly

Non-economic rights are also held by copyright creators. These are called moral rights. There are three types of authorship rights: integrity, attribution, and protection.

Unlike Physical Property, Copyright Isn’t :-

Copyrights in a work must be distinguished from ownership of the article in which they are contained. Although the physical copy of a book is owned by its purchaser, its text may be owned by the writer

It is also not permitted for the buyer of an original painting to make copies without the permission of the owner of the copyright. The reproduction right resides with the copyright owner, who is generally the artist.

A work is protected by copyright when it is created. Registration, however, is often preferred for enforcement. Copyright certificates contain the date of creation and the creator of the document. To register a copyright, these details need to be filed with a statutory authority, such as the Registrar of Copyrights.